When I was a kid we used to chase rats in an old barn down the street. We took rubber hoses and tried to hit them as they scurried though the dimly lit barn. Lousy visibility made it a fairly equal contest. All you could see was a flash of movement and perhaps an eye or black tail as they scurried to safety. Occasionally we got one, but that was rare. It was the thrill of the chase and not the dead rat that mattered.
In many ways, our American institutions are like old barns that makes perfect hiding places for rats. In the corporate darkness, where there is plenty of grain, anything can be stolen and tucked away. Republicans lie and steal because they can and the rewards are great. Greed is important of course, but the real Republican thrill lies in beating someone else to the punch and accumulating enough power for the next scam. Many Republicans are sociopaths without a conscience, so the Republican Party makes a perfect barn. Liars, bullies, and crooks are the norm and even an ideal.
The Republicans are barn rats, while the Democrats are white lab rats. The difference between a Rahm Emmanuel and a Dick Cheney is minimal. Both are paranoid megalomaniacs and sociopaths. You can always hear them scurrying in the darkness.
John Hanks
Laramie, Wyo.
The Underground is an independent media source for news and opinion in and around Wyoming. Founded in July 2009, The Underground features contributions from residents in Wyoming and discussion of national events beyond our four borders.
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Letters to the editor are welcome and can be sent to meglanker@gmail.com. Please limit to 500 words. Letters may be edited for length or content - name and phone number are required for submission. No anonymous letters will be published. All opinions expressed here are those of the author and are not those of The Underground unless explicit endorsement is given. Publication does not equal endorsement.
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Thought for the day
“The First Amendment was designed to protect offensive speech, because nobody ever tries to ban the other kind”
- Mike Godwin, American attorney & author, creator of Godwin's Law
- Mike Godwin, American attorney & author, creator of Godwin's Law
Letter to the Editor: Republicans scurry in the darkness
Posted by
Meg Lanker
on 9.10.2009
John Hanks,
letter to the editor,
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Sad but true,(what you pen) and both Cheney and Rahm were chiefs of Staff(PRES), and Congressman.
So, where is this all going as to its impact on America, its people ?
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