The Underground is an independent media source for news and opinion in and around Wyoming. Founded in July 2009, The Underground features contributions from residents in Wyoming and discussion of national events beyond our four borders.
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Thought for the day
“The First Amendment was designed to protect offensive speech, because nobody ever tries to ban the other kind”
- Mike Godwin, American attorney & author, creator of
Godwin's Law
This post isn't necessarily newsworthy, but it is important. I began this site as a way to invite citizen-journalists to contribute to the dialogue surrounding issues in Wyoming and on the national scale. I will contribute news and opinion of my own, but I invite you to do so as well.
My journalism career began in the US Navy in 2001, and continued into the civilian world and the world of student media. I have grown tired of the "good ol' boys" club that seems so apparent in a state like Wyoming - a state I believe to have much potential. I believe Wyoming can be an independent leader without having to march lockstep with the majority party. This election cycle, we saw two counties, Albany and Teton, go for President Obama, bringing immediate derision from those outside of these counties. We have seen a push for green energy development - a push that only brings enthusiasm as long as those damn environmentalist, tree-hugging hippies stay out of it. We have also seen massive expansions at the University of Wyoming as we begin to bust from our current energy boom, leaving our state with a budget deficit and the university with less funding, even as massive construction projects continue and are planned. We wonder why so many of our citizens die in car crashes and grumble about the unnecessary intrusion of seat belt laws.
There are many special interests and issues pulling Wyoming in several different directions. Wolves! Coal-bed methane! Clean coal! Wind power! Concealed weapons! Wyoming is stumbling around a dark room looking for a light switch. I hope to be one of those switches.
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